Downtown Cleanup Days
The Newberg Downtown Coalition and the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce team up to do Cleanup Days where we all pitch in to keep Downtown Newberg looking fresh and beautiful!
Proudly sponsored by Newberg ACE Hardware.
Check our Social Media to find updates and details on our next Cleanup Event.
Downtown Cleanup Volunteer Info
Are you interested in helping us clean up downtown? Volunteer participants will meet at the public parking lot near NDC and disperse into teams to work on the following projects:
General garbage cleanup on downtown sidewalks
Historical signage washing
Barrel washing
Leaf blowing/removal
Power washing sidewalks on E 1st St.
Weed removal on downtown sidewalks
Garbage removal from tree grates
We would love to have your help. Please sign up if interested! All volunteers will receive an email with instructions prior to the event.
When: The Third Thursday of each month
Where: Newberg Downtown Core
E First St, Newberg, OR 97132